Sunday, November 1, 2020

Rafkioles (ravioles or Cypriot ravioli)

This delicatre and soul-warming dish is very different from Italian ravioli. The dough is soft and pillowy and the cheese filling is has a very distinctive flavor because of the halloumi cheese, which is made from sheep and/or goat milk. It's my whole family's favorite on cold days and special occasions. Make double the amount and freeze the second batch on trays before bagging and storing in the freezer. 


1 halloumi cheese, grated (2 cups)
2 cups strained ricotta or anari cheese
2 eggs
1 teaspoon dried mint
2 cups flour
1/3-1/2 cup water
Generous pinch of salt\
1 chicken or vegetable stock cube or 1/2 gallon broth


Mix the cheeses, eggs and mint in a bowl and set aside. Put the flour and salt in a blender or mixer or in a bowl and add enough water to make a pliable dough. In the blender, as soon as the dough comes together in a ball, it's ready. Place in an oiled bowl and keep covered with a damp paper towel to keep from drying out. Tear handfuls of dough and roll out thin on a floured surface, using a rolling pin or a pasta machine (the thinner the dough, the faster they will cook). Place teaspoonfuls of the cheese mixture in a row along the rolled out dough and fold over. Press the air out with your fingers and cut each rafkiola with a glass or cookie cutter. Place rafkioles on a sheet pan. When you fill the sheet pan, boil the broth or stock in a large pot. Drop into the simmering broth one by one (to make sure they don't stick to each other) and cook through for 5-6 minutes after they rise to the top of the broth. Serve warm.

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