How to Clean Like a Pro

The first and most important thing to learn is the ORDER of jobs. If you go through this routine once a week, once a fortnight or even once a month, you will be able to finish your entire apartment in two hours or less or your house in one afternoon. If you don’t have too much time, divide and conquer: Do the kitchen and your living room one day and the bathroom and bedrooms on another day.

Things to watch out for: 

  • DO NOT do laundry the same day as house cleaning—it will derail you! 
  • DO NOT cook on house cleaning day—order take out or drink a protein shake when you’re hungry. 
  • DO NOT organize. Cleaning day is for cleaning, not organization. Stay focused and do your organizing/decluttering another day. Perhaps the day after laundry day.
  • DO wear well-fitting clothes and shoes like workout gear, as they help you move faster.

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