- Vacuum/sweep the floor first (it'll make mopping afterward easier).
- Put on your gloves. Put all the towels in the hamper. Rinse your sponges and sponge/microfiber cloths with hot water.
- Squirt soft scrub or oxi-action powder into the toilet bowl and spray the toilet seat and cover with general cleaning spray. Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush. Wipe down the toilet seat cover, then the seat, then the toilet rim, including the outside of the toilet bowl all the way to the floor. Put this sponge/microfiber cloth in the hamper.
- Put the shower curtain over the curtain pole. Rinse your sponges and sponge/microfiber cloths. Rinse the shower walls and tub with hot water. Get some toilet paper and remove any hair from the trap. Using the soft scrub in the tub, faucet and walls of the shower. Use the big sponge to go over the faucet, then walls then the tub itself. A giant sponge makes everything go fast here. Rinse everything with hot water beginning with the walls, then faucet, then tub. Rinse the sponge and cloths and wring out all the water. Wipe everything down with the sponge/microfiber cloth beginning with the faucet first, then the walls then the tub itself. You may need to wring out the water from the cloth twice.
- Rinse your sponges and sponge/microfiber cloths with hot water. Rinse the sink. Rinse all items, such as soap dispenser, toothbrushes, toothpastes, holders with hot water and put in a bowl or small tray. Use the soft scrub and sponge around the sink and faucet. Rinse your sponge, and the sink and faucet with hot water. Squeeze all the water out of all the cloths and sponges and wipe down beginning with the faucet. Wipe all items in the bowl/tray and replace on the sink surround.
- Spray the mirror with window cleaner and wipe dry. Use the wet sponge/microfiber cloths and wipe the wall tiles around the sink.
- Change your mopping water solution.
- Remove your gloves and put fresh towels out. Sweep/vacuum the floor again if it’s not too wet and mop on your way out.
Once a month…
…use the descaler in the toilet bowl, bathtub and sink instead of the soft scrub.
…put some oxi-action powder in the toilet tank. It’ll keep things cleaner for longer.
…take off the shower curtain liner and wash it in the washing machine with oxi-action and detergent.
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