The Kitchen

Don't worry! You've got this! We'll get through it together...

  1. Wash and dry all the dishes. Put them away. OR: Load and run the dishwasher. 
  2. Use the descaler and sponge to go over the dish rack and dish drainboard.
  3. Vacuum loose material off the stovetop or remove any loose material with a paper towel. Spray the stove with a cleaning solution. While that is soaking the grease off spray the counters with the general cleaning solution and wipe down with the sponge/microfiber cloths. 
  4. Spray and wipe down any appliances on the counter.
  5. Scrub or wipe down the stove. Don’t spring clean. This is a routine clean.
  6. Move the dish soap and all other bottles/brushes onto the cleaned counter. Squirt the soft scrub cream all over the sink and scrub with the sponge. Rinse. Beginning with the faucet, wipe dry with the sponge/microfiber cloths. Wipe all the bottle bottoms and return to the sink.
  7. Spray the kitchen table and appliance fronts with the general cleaning solution. Wipe dry with the damp sponge/microfiber cloths.
  8. Take off your gloves and sweep/vacuum the kitchen floor paying attention to the chair legs where lint is usually trapped and under appliances.
  9. Throw all the kitchen towels in the hamper and take out clean ones. Mop the floor while backing out.

Once a month...

...use the descaler instead of the soft scrub cream in the sink.

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